Farm Life Part 2

Starting to get busy!

I worked 46 hours last week, definitely the most hours I have ever worked in any job for one week. It wasn’t so bad either, the time flew by. I think I have another week and a half of work left, so things will keep staying busy.

I made a few more observations this week too:

– Windy days are the worst. When it is fairly windy out, all the grass that comes up the harvester blows right back in your face once you toss it. It gets so annoying after a while and impedes any further picking. We have a sort of blind to keep the wind out a bit, but it doesn’t stop it completely. I borrowed some goggles off my friend which definitely helped.

– Keep pulling up golf balls on a regular basis. It’s funny how we keep changing fields and locations and still keep fining them. I keep saving them when we find one, and I give them to my friend. He golfs occasionally in the summer so he’ll be all set for golf balls now.

– Some of the cows got loose the other day and I helped chase them back in. It can be pretty intimidating facing down these cows. We had two left to get in and one was this large black bessie. She came right towards me and stared me down like she wanted nothing better than to run me over. Luckily a quick wave of the arms and a sharp “yep!” sent her back towards her field.

– Still flying through my music while I work. I think I have listened to over one thousand songs by now. I like that I’m able to revisit some of the songs I own that I haven’t got to in years.

More to come! Work and words.

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